May 2021
In the beginning of May 2021 our research group welcomed two talented student interns from the French city of Strasbourg. They will be working with us for a period of three months, which we are very grateful for. Below is their personal introduction with a glimpse into the work they are doing.

I am a French student in a water and environmental engineering school in Strasbourg (France) and I am doing my practical engineering internship at Halmstad University with the aim to study the multifunctionality of wetlands under changing hydrological regimes and in particular the removal of nutrients in wetlands optimized for water retention. This internship is an opportunity for me to learn a lot about wetlands and meet professionals in aquatic research while being immersed in Swedish culture.

I am actually completing the second year at ENGEES (National Engineering School in Environment and Water). I am considering working in marine domain. I wish to make researches in order to protect and restore the ocean, as well as to exploit its resources taking accounts the sustainable development. The final step of my professional career would be to study the biological marine resources and marine ecosystem.